Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Very Buggy Inn

Welcome fellow bugs to the Buggy Inn. We hope your stay will be a pleasant one.

We have provided a beautiful lobby for all to enjoy. Our lobby is full of fresh plants, colorful flowers, and striking views.

We also have a "Honeymoon Suite" for our special newly-wed couples.

The owner, MyMy, has been into bugs for over 7 years now. She knows exactly how to make your stay at the Buggy Inn, happy and comfortable. We hope you enjoy your stay!

Monday, March 23, 2009

14 Years and Counting......

Dear Derrick,

I know you know what day today is because you surprised me with flowers and a beautiful promise when I awoke this morning. What a wonderful way to awake from slumber! I count my blessings to know that I awake every day with the man of my dreams by my side.

Yes, it was 14 years ago today that we began our life together. I was eagerly awaiting your arrival that morning at my parent's house. Your job was to pick me up and make sure that I was on time for my own wedding. And, on time I was. I was so very excited and not even a bit nervous, because I knew pretty much from the moment we met, that you were the one. Of course, the ceremony was lovely, and spending the day with family and friends was also very touching, but, I couldn't wait to just spend my time alone with you knowing that we had an entire future ahead of us. I was very enchanted.

Fourteen years later, with 3 mortgages, 1 dog, and 2 kids under our belt, I can still say that I am truly enchanted. You know my deepest secrets and desires. You have seen me in very ugly situations, you know my weaknesses and strengths, you've heard my murmurings and complaints, you've shared my tears and disappointments, and we have laughed and loved over and over. The enchantment, perhaps, has changed, from a young schoolgirls innocence, to a strong bond of commitment that, this is it, and, this is worth fighting for.

Know that I love you, always and forever,
