Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Traditions

The older I get the more I realize how important it is to carry on family traditions. Family traditions provide anticipation for the event to come and wonderful memories to remember after. I have tried to instill many family traditions all year long for my family. One tradition, that I grew up with, has been absently missing in my current family and home.

Tonight, I decided to reconcile my blunder and carry on the tradition that I once loved and cherished so deeply, realizing that it had been deeply missed.

First thing- Get girls on board. Explain the tradition.
Second- Cook, cook, cook
Third- Set a beautiful table

Fourth- While the girls were helping me set the table, we noticed the porch light off even though we had turned it on several times. A closer look told us that Joulupukki (the Finnish Santa Claus) had been by to visit.

Fifth- We ate a very yummy traditional Finnish Christmas Eve dinner. I really can cook something foreign!

Sixth- We read the Christmas story found in Luke 2 and sang Silent Night. (I have always kept this tradition).

Seventh- The girls got to open a traditional Christmas gift. Don't they look cute in their new pajamas?

Eighth- We look for Santa using the Norad Santa tracker found on the internet.

Ninth- The girls prepare a wonderful treat for Santa.

Tenth- Derrick and I watch the beautiful Christmas concert, put out by my church, on our local PBS station.

I love traditions. Now that everyone is snug in bed awaiting the new day........

It is time to say good-night and Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

8 Wonderful Years

I remember her face just like it was yesterday. After everyone had left the hospital, and I was finally alone with my new, precious, little one, I studied her face making sure that I had every detail imprinted in my mind. I knew then that I would never forget that sweet little face and so far, I haven't.

As I stroked her soft cheeks, admiring the beautiful gift from Heaven, I wondered what her life would be like. What would she look like when she turned 3, 5, and 8? Would she be a daddy's girl or a mommy's girl? What would her interests be? Could I possibly love her more than I did at that moment?

No matter how hard I worked at looking into her future, I never could even begin to imagine how she would look, what she would be like, or who's girl she would become. All I knew is that we, Derrick and myself, had truly been blessed with a precious child, and that we would definitely make sure she knew she was loved.

Eight years later, I still wonder what her future holds, what she will look like, and where her dreams will take her. I am always hoping that her future will be happy, safe, and bright, realizing, that none of that is really in my control.

Once again, all I know is that each continual year that Derrick and myself have to raise and love our precious daughter is indeed a gift from God, in which we are truly grateful to.

Happy Birthday MyMy. May you always know that you are loved and cherished.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Gingerbread Fun

The LuLu and MyMy had a good time this evening creating magical candy houses. Not only are candy houses magical, but also the children who create them. What a combination. Merry Christmas!