Saturday, October 2, 2010

5:00 A.M. Curse

While sitting at the soccer fields last evening, finally feeling cool air for the first time all week, I could not stop yawning. It had been another crazy and busy week.

Although it was nice sitting under the stars, chatting with friends and watching an intense game, my thoughts were wandering. I only wanted to settle in for the night under the softness of my blanket and comfort of my mattress for a deep and restful sleep, only to awaken from the streaks of sunshine streaming in through my window.

This never happens for me. My body is on autopilot. It doesn't matter the hour of bedtime, I am wide awake at 5:00a.m. In fact, I begin to panic when the hour gets late and I am still awake at night- for I know that I have been robbed of precious slumber time and will not be able to catch-up on the other end.

Sleep is such a luxury to me. I value it like another would value diamonds.

So, all I wanted for this weekend was the chance to wake-up, on my terms. No early work meetings, no early soccer games, no early church preparation to worry about. It should have happened. It didn't. I have one more chance- tomorrow. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

As I see it said...

I truly hope you get a good sleep! I don't know of anyone more deserving than you! Now...go to bed! :)