Saturday, March 24, 2012

Grand Canyon

We slipped away for a couple of days to visit a state treasure, the Grand Canyon. Snow, and lots of it, had landed the previous two days closing all access roads and we were afraid that our visit would be cancelled. But, thanks to the Arizona sun and the hard work of snow plows, the roads were open for travel.

We left early Tuesday morning and arrived at the Grand Canyon just in time for lunch. After picnicking in the car, since the tables were covered in snow, we walked a 4-mile trail along the rim capturing breathtaking views and hearing words of approval in all languages.

Each viewpoint proved to be rewarding and did not disappoint the eye. The snow added another color to the landscape and made it very fun for the girls. Snow footprints, snowmen, snowballs, throwing snow, pushing snow, making snowy trails, snow tasting, icicles and more filled the afternoon while the parents enjoyed both views- canyon and girls in snow.

At dusk, we trekked back to our car and traveled to our lodging. We spent the evening at the IMAX theater viewing the Grand Canyon, once again, but from the perspective of the river and helicopter.

After a warm and cozy night under thick, down comforters, we headed back to the Canyon for more breathtaking scenery. We hopped on the shuttle bus and stopped at every viewpoint. The Canyon is so very grand. It is amazing to think of its history and overwhelming to see its size. It is an amazing feature, one where there is no doubt that God played a role in its creation.

We stayed until the sun went down watching the sun cast its shadows across the land. Peaceful, calming and beautiful. Then headed for home under a starry night.

Good-night Grand Canyon! You were a gracious and beautiful host.

(Note to Grandparents: We did not make the snowman next to the edge of the Canyon. Some other person made that and a few others like that, along the trail. Yes, I now realize how taking kids to the Grand Canyon is a heart-stopping event- the edge is too tempting! Sorry for all the grief Mom. I now know what you went through.)

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