Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mommy Modes

So......... I lose it sometimes. Yes, I can lose it really big. I become very irrational and do crazy things. The other day as we were driving home from school my daughter LuLu was telling me about how her teacher had mummified a Cornish Game hen last school year and wanted this years class to see the results. After finding the buried box, the class opened it to reveal a horrible stench. To satisfy my curiosity of the whole event, and also to encourage LuLu to continue, I had asked if the chicken had been preserved. To this question came a question, "What does preserved mean?"

Immediately frustration set in, and I started to become irrational. Now, let me explain, LuLu and I have spent time discussing the Egyptian mummies and all of those details for her Social Studies unit. I had also just recently preserved peaches discussing the term preserved. So, I couldn't resist turning into the "I told you before-Mommy" mode, and "How could you have forgotten-Mommy" mode. Believe me, it wasn't pretty. After trying to probe and give clues such as "think of the context" and "remember the peaches, mummies, how did the hen look?" etc. still, not a clue. Thoughts of- Why do I work so hard?!! and How are we going to survive 7th grade? started to set in and make me even crazier. So, in my irrational state, I told my younger daughter MyMy that I would drive to the bank, right then, and give her $100.00 if she could tell me the definition of preserved after hearing our car conversation. (LOST IT!!!!!!!!!) I was so sure that she would know. She sort of had the correct idea by saying that it had to do with what it looked like then, and how it looks now. Close. I wanted her to be more specific. She wasn't able to. Not her fault, she is only 7 years old. Anyway, she didn't get the money. She began to cry thinking she really messed up. LuLu was also crying. What a disaster!

What started as a great conversation turned ugly because "Crazy Mom" stepped in. I am sure LuLu is wondering if she should ever have another conversation with her mother again. I hope so. In the meantime, I am back and working hard to once again become the "I am so Happy you are my daughter- Mommy" mode. Good Luck!

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