Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I love America!

I love America! I am proud to be an American! I love what America stands for. I love that I live in a country that cares for its people. I love that America was founded by men who put their trust in God and built a great nation. I love the men, women, and families who have put, and now put, their lives on the line to keep our country free. I love that I can sleep safely each and every night. I love that I can worship the way I choose to worship. I love that every voice has an opportunity to be heard. I love that I have a choice in where I want to live, where I work, who I want to associate with, and how I want to use my spare time. I love that I have roads to drive on, food to shop for, parks to play at, lights to turn on, and dirt to build on. I love that you can always find a friendly face. I love how we fight for other people's freedom. I love how we care for people in other countries. I love that all of us are able to live the American dream as long as we are willing to work hard for it. I love that America has made it possible for people to reach the American dream. I love how there are so many who are willing to serve others in so many different ways and capacities. I love that people who serve, serve, not because they are forced, but because they want to serve. I love how giving and caring Americans are. I love, living in a democracy. I feel so blessed! I love America!

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