Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Traditions

The older I get the more I realize how important it is to carry on family traditions. Family traditions provide anticipation for the event to come and wonderful memories to remember after. I have tried to instill many family traditions all year long for my family. One tradition, that I grew up with, has been absently missing in my current family and home.

Tonight, I decided to reconcile my blunder and carry on the tradition that I once loved and cherished so deeply, realizing that it had been deeply missed.

First thing- Get girls on board. Explain the tradition.
Second- Cook, cook, cook
Third- Set a beautiful table

Fourth- While the girls were helping me set the table, we noticed the porch light off even though we had turned it on several times. A closer look told us that Joulupukki (the Finnish Santa Claus) had been by to visit.

Fifth- We ate a very yummy traditional Finnish Christmas Eve dinner. I really can cook something foreign!

Sixth- We read the Christmas story found in Luke 2 and sang Silent Night. (I have always kept this tradition).

Seventh- The girls got to open a traditional Christmas gift. Don't they look cute in their new pajamas?

Eighth- We look for Santa using the Norad Santa tracker found on the internet.

Ninth- The girls prepare a wonderful treat for Santa.

Tenth- Derrick and I watch the beautiful Christmas concert, put out by my church, on our local PBS station.

I love traditions. Now that everyone is snug in bed awaiting the new day........

It is time to say good-night and Merry Christmas!

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