Saturday, December 13, 2008

From Ashes to Rashes We All Fall Down

On Tuesday we said good-bye to our dear pet Kramer (our first baby, really). I got him 11 years ago as a Christmas gift for Derrick, and instead of Kramer being his dog, he truly became my dog.

Kramer is now in doggy heaven running once again like a horse, going crazy for the big sprinklers, and jumping up onto everything and anything. That makes me happy. His earthly body, once full of life and vibrant, is now a pile of ashes.

We are heartbroken, but thankful, that we were able to have him in our family for so long. Each one of us is manifesting our pain and sorrow in different ways. My pain and sorrow manifested itself by starting as a huge hole in my heart and then turned into a horrible, painful rash starting on my ankles and crawling up my legs.

When asked by the doctor if there were any changes in my life to cause this, I immediately thought of the loss of my "oldest child" (Kramer). Derrick was sure it was my binge on vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting Wednesday night. The doctor assured us it was neither, but, each of us know exactly the blame. Me-Kramer, Derrick- Cupcakes.

I guess there is only one way to find out. Make another batch of cupcakes and eat away! Want one?

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Yes! Send me s cupcake!!! I haven't had time to bake lately, and I have a major sweet-tooth thing going on tonight...

We're so sad for you guys. I hope you feel better soon, and that the holes in your hearts are filled soon. Our prayers are with you!