Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

Today my thoughts are on a very special guy. No, although my sweet guy is very special, my thoughts are not about him today. My thoughts are about another special guy, my dad. Today is his birthday.

In writing this I realize that this really could be a book instead of a few short paragraphs because there are so many wonderful memories to share. However, I will try my hardest to reflect on my dad in the least amount of words possible.

Should I talk about the time we were working side by side in the garden and my dad decided to beep every time I said "you know" because I didn't realize how often I said "you know"?

Or, maybe I should share about the times we would practice parallel parking late at night between 2 parked cars driving away quickly when residents would peek out the window with a worried look.

No, I think I should share the time we solved the math problem my math teacher proposed to us as to how many different license plates the state of Utah can have with each plate having a combination of 3 letters and 3 numbers. After figuring that out, dad said that the answer would not be accurate because some words were inappropriate to be printed. Boy, was I the popular one in class the next day after repeating that information to the class!

What about sharing the many times that I would show up at my dads work with a problem and he would end up taking me for a walk on a different trail close to his work so we could problem solve.

And, I can't forget the wonderful grandpa that he has been to both of my girls. I will never forget the day that my dad sat in the MyMy's playhouse playing school for the entire day, or holding the LuLu's hand and walking with her taking the time to explain about the death of my grandpa, before dedicating his grave.

All I know is that my dad has sure made a difference in this daughters life. I love you dad. Happy Birthday with many more to come.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

What great memories! Thanks for sharing. Happy (belated) birthday, Brother Isaacson!

I wish Dad had taught me to parallel park...all we did was the in-between-the-lines thing over and over and over again, and then everytime I went downtown, like to the Plaza, all they had was parallel parking! 27 years later, I still can't do it!