Friday, January 23, 2009

We're Loved!

Yes, I know that title sounds a little corny, but I can't help myself. It just needs to be said. We are loved!

It has been 2 weeks from today since Derrick got the news that he would no longer be working at Horizon Community Bank. It came as a shock, and then again it didn't. I mean he was working in the banking industry, and banks right now are not doing so well. So, I guess it made us wonder, once in awhile, that there might be a chance somehow.

Those first few days were full of emotions. Panic, shock, fear, sadness, determination, love, loss, and avoidance. Fortunately, we had the MyMy's party to carry-out and a weekend of school work, so emotions could be put temporarily, on the back burner.

Once the weekend was over, the emotions needed to be faced, and with it uncomfortable feelings came along. The tears started falling, along with feelings of despair and hopelessness. Then, the love came, and that has buoyed us up.

People have been so kind and good to us. We have had phone calls, emails, letters, blessings, offers, and prayers. There also has been suggestions, networking, dinners and more. We have been strengthened and because of that we are no longer faced with a bleak and dreary picture. Of course, we still are in a bit of a predicament, but those crazy emotions have been replaced with peace and calmness, and, that makes this ride so much easier to be on.

We love you, and, thank-you for loving us.

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