Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fair Well


This week at the Voss home the LuLu was in the spotlight, for you see, she had 3 major events.

On Wednesday, the LuLu played in her last basketball game for the season. She ended the season much improved- being more aggressive, playing decent defense, and actually scoring a basket here and there. I think that she will chalk up the first game of the season as her most embarrassing moment, wherein she carried the ball to the opposing teams basket and shot, missing it fortunately, or else it would have been the other teams first score of the game, right before half. Anyway, we realized that there was much to learn, and learn she did!

On Thursday, the LuLu had her science fair. Her project was- Is the 5 second rule really true? Meaning, if you drop a piece of food on the floor and pick it up within 5 seconds is it free of germs and will it be alright to eat?

Derrick and LuLu worked on this together. It was quite the undertaking, but in the end, the 2 completed the project still liking each other, and the LuLu scored 3rd place in the Biology Category for grades 5 and 6. Nice job you two! After receiving her ribbon and the applause, I asked the LuLu if it was worth it, and her reply was "Yes!".

On Friday, the 6th graders held their annual Fair of Nations in the gym for the parents to view. The LuLu had chosen Finland as her country of study. Once again, Derrick assisted, and did a fabulous job! (He is such a great dad!)

I was so glad that LuLu wanted to study the country where her grandmother is from. It was quite the opportunity for the LuLu to learn of her new family's heritage. Her favorite part of learning about Finland was seeing all the pretty pictures of the many lakes. She also enjoyed eating the thin gingersnap cookies that she gave to people who visited her station.

The LuLu was glad to say fairwell to the busy week. It had been an exhausting week for her. It must have been, because today, Saturday, the LuLu was still sleeping at 10:30am in the morning. Or, it could be because she has officially left her childhood stage and is now a tween. Who knows!

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