Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Day of School

Yes, it is hard to believe! School started in our neck of the woods on Monday. The first morning of school went rather smoothly. Both the LuLu and the MyMy woke up on their own and were dressed and ready a 1/2 hour before we needed to leave. Here they are in their brand new uniforms.

At the end of the first day, the LuLu came in with tears spilling down her cheeks. The first day of Jr. High was a little overwhelming. She is slowing becoming comfortable with the change.

The MyMy came in with a huge smile after her first day of school. She was very happy and enthusiastic. That enthusiasm did not last however, because by the time the next morning rolled around the MyMy was not very eager about another school day. And so it goes. One week down and 36 weeks to go- but who's counting?

1 comment:

  1. The girls are getting so tall and so beautiful! I hope they (and you) have a wonderful school year!
    Hugs~Grandma Voss
