Saturday, November 7, 2009

High Expectations

The definition for expectation is: a confident belief or strong hope that a particular event will happen.

The definition for high, in this case, is: greater than the normal, or average, well above the smaller or lower level, or amount.

Put the two words together, and you have

3 WEEKS OF FALL BREAK! Meaning.......

I will fall clean the house by washing windows, walls, baseboards, door-frames, and carpets. I will organize the bathroom cupboards, the MyMy's room and the corner in my bedroom.

At school I will clean, organize and create an exceedingly large amount of educational projects.

With my kids, I will share a novel with them, teach them how to cook, work on science-fair and young women projects, go on bike rides at the park, and lay on the floor and giggle to our hearts content.

For PTA, I will balance the budget, get an audit started and completed, input membership names into a data base, and work on the outdoor classroom.

Personally, I will lose 20 pounds, buy new shoes and start and finish the final book of the Harry Potter series. (Yes, I still have not read that book)

And, don't forget the many thank-you cards and other important correspondence that is long overdue.

All this plus, my daily routines of cleaning, cooking, taxiing, church callings etc.

I can do this because I have caught the vision. Not through my dirty windows, mind you, but through the "I will get that done over break" vision because, "I will have plenty of time then" vision. I am superwoman!

Well, the first day of break did not go exactly as planned. I didn't account for the "I am sooooooooooo not in the mood" vision. Besides, high expectations are highly overrated! The expectations won't all be a wash however, because I will still buy those shoes!

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