Monday, February 15, 2010

Just Another Day in Paradise!

When I started this blog, I also added a theme song by Phil Vassar, titled "Just Another Day in Paradise" to play along with my blog. To me, the song's lyrics really expressed the way I feel about my life.

The song starts out talking about how hectic life is with the phone ringing, kids screaming, dog barking, bills piling up, washing machine breaking etc. But, the chorus talks about how, despite all of that, it is just another day in paradise.

Those lyrics went through my head late Saturday night while I was finally finishing my chores for the day and it was 10:45p.m. The girls were in bed, and Derrick was out chaperoning a youth dance. It had been a full day of working at a service project, doing laundry, going grocery shopping, bill paying, house cleaning, and mothering. My mind was full of what still needed to be done, and of what little I had accomplished during the week although it had been yet, another busy week. I was exhausted, and very overwhelmed of why life has to be so busy, hectic and chaotic.

After finally showering for the day, I pulled out my Valentine cards to sign and place on the table for the morning. When thinking about the messages I would write in each card, I was overcome with the blessings that I have received from the members of my little family. My life is full because of them. I realized that the goals that LuLu had accomplished that week- an A+ on her science project, completing and presenting her Young Women Personal Progress project, and scoring a basket or two at her final basketball game helped me realize that I am living just another day in paradise.

I also felt gratitude for the MyMy because she has been so excited about her new piano teacher, (me), and has been so diligent in practicing her piano. She is also so proud of the new dance she is learning and her excitement just spills over showing me the dance over and over again. The MyMy is also working very hard on an art piece just so she can enter it into the school's annual yearbook cover contest, where she has been a finalist, but not yet a winner. Her enthusiasm helps me realize that I am living in paradise.

The song goes on to say "well it's two hearts, one dream", and I know that I have that too. I am so lucky to have a guy who continuously works by my side fulfilling our dream. The science project happens because of him. Chauffeuring to dance lessons, basketball games and Young Women Nights also occur because of him. Serving diligently and without complaint, and loving it, also explain Derrick. Sneaking out every once in awhile to spend time together also helps me realize that he is another part of my "living in paradise".

The song ends with "wouldn't trade it for anything, and, I ask the Lord, every-night, for just another day in paradise". In which I did. I did ask, before slumbering, on Saturday night. And, the Lord blessed me with another day in paradise.

Happy Valentines Day!

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved Phil Vassar's song, "Just Another Day in Paradise". Sometimes at school I hum it to make me laugh....because that is a long way from paradise! I enjoy keeping up on your blog. Love ya, Aunt Janet
