Monday, May 24, 2010


(Grandpa and the girls at Grapevine Canyon)

So, what happens when life gets crazy and you can barely keep up with the laundry? The answer is, that blogging, although much better than laundry, is set on the back burner for another day. Yet, what do you do when the blog is also a capture of memories for your posterity?

Do you................
Skip those memories and pick-up where you are now?
Or, do you...........
Play catch-up and post past events although some are long gone?

I am not sure of what the answer is. Therefore, I am stuck!

Do I mention the letter written by the MyMy pleading to the Naughty Leprechauns about postponing their mischievous acts until we were back in town?

(Maya scouring the house for naughty leprechaun pranks)

Or, what about the fun-filled time we had with cousins in Las Vegas over their Spring Break?

(Enjoying the Bellagio Fountains at night.)

(Valley of Fire)

If I mention that trip, then I surely must mention the Give a Day, Get a Day trip at Disneyland with James and Terra in April.

(James and Terra at the Newport Beach Temple)

(After spending a day cleaning the shores of the Colorado River, the Voss Family enjoyed a day at Disneyland, compliments of Disney. It was a fun-packed day. Thanks Disney!)

(You can't do a trip to California without enjoying a day at the beach. Huntington Beach)

I mustn't forget the Easter holiday either.

(Annual Easter egg hunt at the Bartons)

Now that I am keeping a regular journal of sorts, I realize how life never changes. We repeat activities from year to year.

For example, the girls just completed another year of dancing classes. Their recital was Friday evening. It was fun to see what they have learned, and to see their happy delightful faces.

Swim team has also begun meaning a very busy summer full of early morning swim practices and Saturdays consumed by swim meets.

It seems as if I had just recorded those events, yet it has already been a year.

Yet, it is those traditions, and seasons of opportunities, that we look forward to each year. We love those naughty leprechauns and the coloring of Easter eggs. Dance recitals and swim team also show growth from the year prior. Visits from relatives vary in time, place, and whom. Before we know it, the girls will be all grown-up and gone.

So, although some memories are long past, it is important to take some time and jot down a memory or two to remember that memories are worth collecting and capturing.

I hope you enjoyed this visit down Memory Lane too.

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