Thursday, September 2, 2010

Alarm Clock Mishaps!

Mornings everywhere, I am sure, in households far and wide, are flusters of people frantically hurrying to get out the door with everything intact and having appearances pass the scrutiny of the mother test. At the Voss household we are no different. It has been a long-reaching goal to have a happy and smooth morning. So far, our goal has been unattainable.

You see, the MyMy, although angelic in so many ways, struggles with the morning routine. Getting out of bed has been quite a chore. Staying out of bed becomes an obstacle. Having the desire to get ready is obsolete. Angry and stressed-out parents happens frequently. All of the above, not good.

The grandparents, on the mothers side, came up with a brilliant idea of which they borrowed from another granddaughter. "Get the MyMy an alarm clock that she can work on her own and she will love the responsibility." Sometimes, as a parent, you have to admit- duh!!!!!! Why didn't I think of that?

An alarm clock was purchased. A lesson was taught, and the system was practiced and mastered. Now, for real time.

The first 3 mornings, the child, MyMy, was like a kid on Christmas Eve awaiting and anticipating the morning. Just having the alarm clock was enough for the MyMy to wake-up, long before the actual event was supposed to take place. Oh, what glorious mornings!

After 3 days, the trials began. Many mornings, the alarm didn't sound because it hadn't been turned on. Other mornings, the alarm did sound, but all you could hear was snow, causing the child not to awaken, because the radio wasn't set on a station. Then, the alarm was beeping loudly in the middle of nights, causing havoc on the parents, because the clock's time had somehow been changed. The snooze button was discovered, which was being used frequently much to the parents dismay. Lastly, since snooze became off-limits, the child, just turned the alarm off, thinking that she was awake and would get-up very soon, only to fall back into a deep and blissful sleep.

The cute MyMy has gone to school with disheveled hair, missing papers and a hungry stomach. One morning, she about missed the ride to school wherein she would have missed a day of school. The parent's hearts are breaking because of the tough and natural consequences that are occurring. The stress level has not decreased.

Alarm clock mishaps have gotten somewhat contagious with the other child too. The LuLu, after only a few mishaps, has been a quick study though, and did work out the kinks.

Thoughts have been placed in the hazy and tired minds of the parents of what to do when the MyMy is a teenager and has early morning seminary? Drastic resolutions have been thought. "Do we move to a place where there is released time? Or, do we go inactive? Something has got to be done!"

One would wonder, if there is some genetic trait that would cause this disturbing behavior? I mean, both Derrick and myself were perfect, sweet children and teenagers at morning routines! Wink, wink!

I am sure that there are some parents out there who are thinking and giggling amongst themselves........PAYBACKS ARE SWEET!

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