Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Amazing Race Birthday Party

The Amazing Race came to our small town last weekend. The Green-Ade's and the Orange Elephants were competing for the 100-Grand Fun-Snack Prize.

Routes included abandoned roads, neighbor's houses, parks, Wal-mart, Little Caesars, and our school. There, teams needed to stuff "worms" into 2-liter bottles, find messages in balloons filled with shaving cream, count marshmallows, and buy random items and then use the first letter from each item to solve a code.

For Roadblocks, individual girls needed to accomplish amazing tasks such as, eating baby food (apparently ham-gravy is awful! All I know is that the smell reeks!), find a bean with a black X on it, and put a Sponge-Bob puzzle together.

Detours included choosing between "Flight or Fright", wherein teams had to choose between building and flying an airplane or eating frightening food blindfolded. Other choices were "Croquet or Tray", meaning teams could choose to play a game of croquet, or transport a limited number of eggs and depositing them into a small cup by only using a tray. Another event was "Pack or Stack". Teams had to decide between stacking 100 coins or packing a suitcase with odd-shaped items.

Teams also had to take pictures of themselves at well-known landmarks around the town.

We had a couple of Pit Stops along the way. The first mandatory rest period was eating pizza and opening presents. The final pit stop was by the river making s'mores and having "girl-talk".

When asked what the favorite event of the race was, both teams responded the "Fright or Flight" event as being the favorite. I guess eating Pork Rinds, sauerkraut, smoked oysters and 85% Dark Chocolate wasn't so bad after all!

The Amazing Race really was a fun party idea. It almost became "The Amazing Rain and Race Birthday Party"! But, as luck would have it, thirty minutes before race time, the clouds broke, the rain stopped, and the sun started shining. That, in itself was pretty amazing!

Anyhoo, gotta go! I am still in the "Final Pit Stop" and mandatory rest period.

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