Saturday, April 2, 2011


Wake up at 5:00am, get ready, fill water bottle, kiss hubby good-bye. The girls are still asleep. Drive to work while it is dark. Eating oatmeal. Arrive to work, open door, turn on lights, heater, radio and computer. Set down purse. Talk myself into another great day. Organize and prepare for the school day to start. Copies, cleaning, memo's, meetings, teachers.

The MyMy enters the room. She gives me my lunch, along with a big hug and kiss. I ask her how she slept. I fix her hair and give her a few minutes. She walks with me to make more copies holding hands. I miss seeing her in the morning, and she misses me. Soon, 8:30 arrives and it is time for me to begin the show.

Students walk in. Teach, question, respond, encourage, uplift, embolden, review, remind, model, praise, adore, read, write, speak, laugh, give, take, correct, reprimand, love.

Lunch time. Another working lunch. Read and respond to email. Eat. Read an educational article. Correct. Cut, staple and type.

More students. More encouragement, teaching, praising, correcting, observing. Many times striving for more patience. Trying to keep my cool. Afternoon students are difficult.

The end of the day. The girls come in. Quickly ask how their day went. Get them started on homework. Tutor students because I can't say no.

Check-out, turn computer, lights and heat off. Grab papers to correct, and novel to finish. Leave with girls.

Drive. Drive to dance, soccer, basketball, piano, activity days, swim, friends, haircuts, the grocery store. Drive. Work on homework while waiting for practice to finish. Work on homework while driving.

Drive home. Make dinner. Feed family. Family does clean-up. Check my email. Work on church, pta, school or house work. Remind kids to feed fish, shower, pack for dance etc.

Prayers and sometimes scriptures. Kisses, hugs, and bed.

Repeat again until the weekend.

Saturday. Clean floors, toilets, kitchen. Do laundry. Go grocery shopping. Prepare for Sunday primary.

Sunday. Church meetings, and church. No teachers. Find teachers or teach myself. Take care of crying or misbehaving children. Sing. Sharing time. Bear testimony. Feel the Spirit and cry. Remember it is all worth it. Come home, make dinner for family and friends that visit on Sunday. Family cleans. Thank goodness! Correct papers, finish lesson plans, phone calls home. Prepare for week. Schedule for another week.

Sometimes, time for blogging, lunch with friends, a walk, a nap, dinner with hubby. Not enough though.

One day I will miss all of this I am told.

In the meantime........I'm tired.

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