Wednesday, November 2, 2011


The alarm clock began to beep awaking me from a deep slumber. The hour was early, 3:30 a.m. to be exact. The world around me was dark and quiet. It was time to get up and get the newspapers ready for delivery.

I got up, got dressed and wearily walked to the door wishing that I could sleep with the rest of the world. When I opened the door, my father-in-law was standing on the porch folding newspapers. What a surprise!

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Delivering newspapers," he said beaming from ear to ear.

My father-in-law was in town for just a couple of days. "So, do you mind if I come along?", he asked.

I nodded my head, still confused and shocked. We began folding papers in silence. Once they were folded, we loaded the papers in the car.

My memory fades as to who was driving or what vehicle we took. I do not remember the conversation, if any, that took place except for newspaper lingo. What I do remember is the image of my father-in-law, with an armload of newspapers wearing tennis shoes, walking down the street throwing the papers onto porches. I also remember his huge grin and his happy-to-help like attitude as he helped me deliver the papers during the wee hours of that morning.

We finished the job as the sun was slowly beginning to rise casting rays of light through the tree lined streets. Once back at my home, my father-in-law gave me a huge hug and kiss on the cheek thanking me for the opportunity of accompanying me on my job. He reminded me once again that I was his "favorite daughter in-law", and how proud he was of me. Then, he climbed into his car and headed for Grandpa's house waving and smiling as he left.

I quietly opened the door and slipped inside in hopes that I wouldn't awaken anyone. My heart was full and I felt loved. I wanted that feeling to stay with- just me- for awhile. It was too precious to share.

The memory is still precious today. Happy Birthday Dennis! Please know that you are my "favorite father-in-law" too.

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