Wednesday, March 14, 2012

See Spot Go!

This is Spot.

Spot is a bad spot. Spot is a black spot. Spot is on the rock. Spot will not go. Go Spot! Go!

This is MyMy. MyMy will get rid of Spot.
"Spot must go!" says MyMy. "Get out Spot! Get out!"

Spot will not go. Spot will stay a bad spot. Spot will stay a black spot. Spot will stay on the rock.

MyMy will make Spot go. MyMy will not let Spot stay.

"Go Spot! Go", says MyMy. "I will not let you stay." "Go now, Spot. Go away!"

Spot did not want to go. Spot did not like to go. Spot will stay a bad spot. Spot will stay a black spot. Spot will stay on the rock.

"Help! Daddy!" says MyMy. "Daddy, help me get Spot out!"

"I will help get Spot out. I will help you MyMy." replied Daddy.

Daddy and MyMy get Spot wet. Daddy and MyMy put cleaners on Spot. Daddy and MyMy brush Spot out.

"Look Daddy, look! See Spot go. Bye-bye Spot" says MyMy.

Spot is not bad. Spot is not black. Spot is not on the rock.

MyMy tells her teacher about Spot. MyMy tells the judge about Spot. The judge is glad that Spot is gone. The judge gives MyMy a white ribbon. The MyMy gets third place in the Science Fair. The MyMy is happy.

This is Dawn dish soap. Dawn dish soap will get Spot out.

"Hurray for Dawn dish soap!" says MyMy, "Hurray!"

The end.

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