Sunday, March 25, 2012

Year 17

Marriage, is what brings us together today. At least that was the case 17 years ago. Two people, from different circumstances coming together to unite as one. Big dreams, such as living abroad, having a house full of children, being financially fit, and world travel were there on that day, in young, foolish and naive minds. The thoughts of having a perfect and happy life- always- were bubbling up in our young minds that day too, only to be popped with the pin of reality as time went on.

We were, back then and still are, two, imperfect people trying to mesh our thoughts, habits, ideas together to conquer the hill of marriage. Then, throw in a couple of kids, and a variety of bumps to make the fight more interesting and sometimes difficult. Never though, forget the joy. The joy of accomplishing something so difficult together. The joy of goals being made and met. Joyful moments of laughter and hope. The joyous sounds of little footsteps running down the hall. The joy of always having someone there with you through the good and the bad, and knowing that they will always be there with open and accepting arms. Sometimes it seems like an uphill battle, while other times it flows like a breeze.

Seventeen years of marriage makes you realize that this battle is worth having for at least 17 more. So, let's roll up our sleeves and work hard for the next 17 years. Let's conquer the bumps, enjoy the thrills and roll with the punches, never forgetting the joys. I can guarantee that I never want to do it with anyone else but you, Derrick. I love you and I am so happy that we are partners in the fight.

Happy Anniversary!

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