Thursday, November 15, 2012

Zombies, Nerds, and Gross Stuff!

As I was driving home the other day, I noticed a woman on the side of the road.  Her hair was messed up due to the wind, and she was walking with a gait.  My heart skipped a beat realizing that I just saw my first zombie, and I realized that the zombies have finally made it to Arizona.

Then, as I was setting up tables for the Thanksgiving feast for our youth's annual "young at heart" dinner, my skin began to crawl because I could hear the zombie's breathing sounds with the roll of each table.

And now as I walk, I carry a golf club to keep stray dogs and zombies, of course, away.

Zombies are appearing in my dreams, daily conversations, and my thoughts.  All of this has made me  realize that maybe I am addicted.

What started out as a we should watch something Halloween like since it is October has turned into an obsession.  I downloaded season 1 of Dead Man Walking from Netflix, and truth be told, we just finished watching season 2.  Zombies have invaded our television sets for one and a half months.  This is completely out of character for me.  I hardly ever watch television, and when I do, it is something like  House Hunters International or something from the cooking channel.  I am not used to seeing blood and guts, or anything gross. I am also an early to bed kind of girl since my day begins at 4:45 each morning, and yet my nights have turned late due to zombie viewing.  I am slowly morphing into the scary and gross side of Halloween.  Teenagers- they do that to you.

To celebrate the month of haunting we decided to have a "gross night" activity for our youth.  Invitations were sent out to "outgross" each other.

  We had a panel of judges and plenty of gross performances.  Smoothies were made from raw eggs, tuna fish and hotdogs for consumption.  Boys licked "items" out of baby diapers, and girls ate cereal using their shoe as a bowl.  Kids dared other kids to lick suckers that had first been in a dogs mouth.  Even surgery was performed and guts were touched and tasted.  The audience snickered and ewwed all night.  My stomach still turns thinking about those gross memories, but yet it really turned out to a very fun night.
Blood and Guts Surgery
Diaper Digging

The month ended with "The revenge of the Nerds".  They came out in full force- at least in my neck of the woods.  Eleven of them showed up at my house to trick-or-treat and then continued on their nerdy way to grapple candy from other houses.
Nerd MyMy

Now that October is over and I must wait for season 3 of Dead Man Walking to appear on Netflix, it is time for me to put zombies, nerds, and other gross stuff to rest.  Hopefully this blog post will give me some closure.  Until next year my zombie and nerd friends!  It will take until next year to get the smell of tuna, really ripe fruit and hotdog smoothie out of my mind.  Until next year!

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