Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Cough, cough, cough, sneeze, sneeze, groan, are the sounds that are coming from my body today.

Head, throat, and body aches, stuffy nose, fever and sore tummy muscles from coughing. My body has felt better days.

I am sick. In bed, unable to sleep, already used two boxes of tissues, anticipating my next dose of DayQuil sick. I think I cursed myself when I told my sister a couple of weeks ago that I just don't get sick anymore since I had sinus surgery and do a daily waterboarding treatment. I haven't been sick in a little over 2 years, but yesterday and today that record has come to an end.

But misery loves company, so my company has been listening to General Conference, House Hunters and blogging.  I wish dreams and sleep would also be a visitor, but the other three have been great pass-the-time distractors.

This is what I have learned:

The more distractions surround us the easier it is to treat casually, then ignore, and then forget our connection with God.- Donald L. Hallstrom

No matter what are circumstances are, it is essential that our preeminent identity is as a child of God.- Donald L. Hallstrom

If we are not careful the things of the world can drown out the things of the spirit.- Mary Durham

The Savior lovingly acknowledged the widow whose contribution was only two mites because she did what she could.- Linda K. Burton

Be someone who reaches out to know and serve others- throw away the mirrors and look through the window. - Cheryl A. Esplin

Our present circumstances may not change, but through God's compassion, kindness and love, we will all receive more than we deserve, more than we can ever earn, and more than we can ever hope for. - Dale D. Renlund

If you listen with the Spirit, you will find your heart softened, your faith strengthened and your capacity to love the Lord increased. - Henry B. Eyring

It is crazy fun to look at houses and dream that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Blogging still haunts me because so much time has passed and I am at a loss as where to begin...

Sometimes life gets crazy and wishing for better pastures seems to be an easy way out, but simplifying, serving and knowing who we really are the real keys to living a good and happy life.  Although being sick has not been fun, the slowing down, really listening and learning has filled my soul with resilience and strength which feels much better than mucous and chills.  Sometimes sick has its benefits too.

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