Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Blog Forgotten

I had planned on sharing some of our Thanksgiving through pictures and realized that only 1 picture was taken. Oh well, next time!

Sweet Baby K

We are still sleeping with the windows open here in sunny Arizona. Well, it got a little cold last night and Kramer was feeling it. So.... Derrick helped Kramer get warm and comfortable. Sleep baby sleep!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Chance made them friends........Hearts made them sisters. I know this saying is backwards, but truly this is how it should be said when you speak about the MyMy and the LuLu. They have become great sisters in every sense. I am constantly amazed at how easy the process has been for them. When LuLu first entered our lives I was not sure how the 2 would get along. In fact, I never imagined it to be so simple. They were attached from day one, and, one and a half years later, the senario remains the same.

One of the cute things they have done, all on their own, is mailing letters to each other. Each girl made a mailbox that came to them from an all-girls craft club. Then, weekly, they will mail letters, invitations, coloring pages, homemade puzzles and activities to one another. It is fun watching them sneak around making items to mail, or watching the other open their letter. This was going on for awhile before I even knew it was occurring. I found out about the letters when I spent a long day in the MyMy's room helping her clean and dejunk. I came across the letters and was about to throw them away, when the MyMy immediately came to their rescue pleading to me of why they were important, and so, needed to stay. Since then, I have become more aware of the passing of letters to each other and am so grateful that their relationship continues to blossom and grow.

Watching the 2 interact has made me realize how much they love each other. This is especially neat to see because the LuLu hasn't had many chances to love, or, to let her guard down enough to be loved. The little sister broke through the barrier, and love has won.

Yes, chance did make them friends, but hearts, has made them sisters.

Goal Accomplished!

Last night, the MyMy accomplished a goal. Her daddy brought home a quarter of Hawaii from the bank. She now has a quarter designed by every state in her collection. Isn't she cute? Thanks to grandma and grandpa Ike for the fun gift.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bonding Time

So, on Sunday I decided to do some bonding with the girls. I promised them this summer we would begin cooking school and well, to make a long story short, we didn't.

Yesterday, we made an apple pie. It turned out great, and we had fun. I recall only saying "serenity now" one time, and giving the MyMy some needed time to calm down.

While the pie was baking, the girls pulled out the playdough we made last week and continued rolling and making pies and cookies to get their fill. I love Sunday afternoons spending time with the family.