Monday, June 1, 2009

Dancing Queens!

The girls were busy this weekend preparing for their debut as Dancing Queens!

First- Sign-up for dancing classes where all that money surely paid off!
Second- Purchase the costumes, tights, and shoes. They are going to wear it how many times? and, It costs how much?
Third- Practice, practice, practice! Taxi girls to class and sit and wait in car.
Fourth- Use plenty of hair gel, bobby pins, and hairspray to keep the hair in its place.
Fifth- What? You don't have a tan bra and you need it now? A quick run to Target and another opening of the wallet.
Sixth- Mom and Dad sitting for 4 hours to view many Dancing Queens perform.

(The MyMY on the right side, back row)

(The LuLu- second girl on the left side)

Seventh- Flowers, Pictures, Hugs and Kisses for the Deserving and ever-so-humble Dancers!

Eighth- Mom and Dad beaming from ear to ear realizing that maybe it was worth it after all!

It is too bad you missed it.......maybe next year!

Summer Fun!

The Voss family decided to begin their summer with a splash! We took the girls to see the lovely and amazing Hoover Dam that borders Nevada and Arizona on the Colorado River. It is an amazing sight. To think that the dam was built by men who saw a vision for lush green acres for the people of the future and used tools that would probably appear as ancient now, is really incredible. This was my third trip to the dam, and each and every trip has been very populated by people.

After enduring the heat of the day standing on all of that cement, and seeing the refreshing water below and out of reach, we took the girls to the Veterans Memorial Park in Boulder City for some splash time.

Packing a picnic of garden produce, sandwiches, lemonade and cold fruit, lying on a blanket and identifying animal forms in the big puffy clouds, and spending the day together was the perfect way to kick off the summer! It was a SPLASH!