Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas.....Through Pictures

The tree, Christmas Eve Day

Candy Land, along the Riverwalk, Christmas Eve

Enjoying a very festive house on Christmas Eve

Eating a traditional Finnish Christmas Eve dinner by candlelight

Hearing the doorbell ring and finding Christmas Presents from Joulupukki, the Finnish Santa Claus, on the doorstep

Tracking Santa on Norad

Remembering the Christ Child

Wearing new pajamas before heading to bed

Preparing a Christmas treat for Santa

The cousins were nestled all snug in their beds

Christmas Morning

Busily playing with new gifts and wearing new clothes Christmas Day

Birthday Girl

MyMy sharing her birthday with cousins Lindsey, and Rebekah, and with sister LuLu since counsins were visiting from Arkansas.

Playing "Heavy, Heavy Hangover Thy Poor Head" with the largest present the parents could find. (Getting even anyway we can!)

It is hard to believe that I am posting another birthday for the MyMy. Where has the year gone?

It went to the ending of 2nd grade where she really learned to write and loved it, and the beginning of 3rd grade where the love of chapter books really came to fruition and multiplication tables were memorized.

It went to another season of swim team and soccer where the MyMy took first place in the breaststroke and improved her ability to strategize as a team member in soccer.

The year also went to memorizing 9 of the Articles of Faith and learning to hand sew a Christmas stocking.

The year was also filled with a cute sense of humor, a very quick wit, plenty of bathroom noises and happy singing- all of the time.

And, let's not forget the multitude of hugs, kisses, little notes, holding hands and giggling to her hearts content.

Happy Birthday MyMy today and always.

Annual Christmas Card

Reality TV- Voss Style

Survivor- Derrick losing his banking job due to the economy in January.

Deal or No Deal- Derrick working an entry-level position at Wells Fargo hoping to advance in the future.

America’s Got Talent- MyMy playing her own horn anywhere and anytime, LuLu sighing every chance she gets, Monica putting out fires instead of preventing them, Derrick putting up with the drama put out by 3 girls in the house.

So You Think You Can Dance? - LuLu and MyMy completing another year of dance and acro.

The Amazing Race- Racing to swim team practice, swim team meets, soccer practice, soccer games, basketball practice, dance practice, activity days, and Young Women activities.

Super Nanny- Monica teaching full time. Enough Said!

Trading Spaces- The girls visiting family in Washington State in April, family in SLC and family in New Mexico in July. The entire family visiting family in November.

The Biggest Loser- Not us! We have been so blessed!

Wishing you happiness and blessings this Christmas and Upcoming Year.