Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Day in the Life of a Swimmer

Get up really early in the morning with a happy smile!

Set your mark.....

Swim your heart out!

Relax in the tent city until your next match.

It's a tough life, but somebody's gotta do it!

Summer Vacation

The first day of summer vacation came in-style. Dress-up style to be exact.

Splendid Darling!

Wacky Hair Day

One of the most exciting days at school for the students is Wacky Hair Day! It is really amazing we even get to have wacky hair day with such strong dress-codes. However, many stipulations are in place ensuring still, an appropriate day.
Last year, we went all out. The MyMy came up with her own idea.... a birthday cake hairstyle, and the LuLu, still clueless to the whole idea had help from mom.

This year, due to a very busy schedule and an exhausted mother, wigs made for a simple solution for Wacky Hair Day. The mother suggested a volcano look for the LuLu this year, but the LuLu wanted no help from the mother this year feeling like she could do it on her own. She put her hair in a bun and used gray-colored spray, borrowed from a friend, to create her look. She wondered why everyone called her Granny for the day. The mother forgot to take pictures of this years event too. Fortunately, a fellow teacher snapped this picture on the playground.

I wonder what next year will bring.....better start planning now!