Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday Blessings!

Yesterday was my 40th birthday. It is hard to believe that I am 40 years old. I am not sure how 40 should feel, but when I was younger, I felt that people who were 40 were somewhat old. Funny, I don't feel old at all.

I cried when 30 came. I hated leaving my wonderful 20's. The 20's, to me, were carefree days, full of spontaneity, laughter, no stress, worry free, fun loving, exciting, anything good etc. To me, turning 30 meant responsibility, time to grow up, plan, schedule, worry, getting older, more responsibility and more planning over and over and over. In other words, not fun!

Turning 40 however, I feel empowered. I feel like I have gained wisdom and maturity. I don't stress or worry over how people see me or what they think of me anymore. I have realized that I can't control really anything and letting go of trying to keep control has made me more relaxed. I love it! I have 2 wonderful girls- a 7 year old who rocks my world, and an 11 year old who continues to figure out where her rock belongs but, is getting closer to figuring it all out. And, I can't forget the man of my dreams. The man who made dinner and did the dishes, got the girls lunches ready yesterday morning (and every morning), who helped with homework, put in a long day at work, took care of the animals and still had time to massage my head and back.

What more could a 40 year old women want? Not much!

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