Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I have always wanted to write but have come against a wall of some sort. Some walls have been insurmountable such as not having a computer, or being too busy to write because there just wasn't enough time. Money always seems to be an issue somehow. I mean, when I have had money, I haven't had time to write. When I don't have any money I also don't have a computer, a printer, or even paper to write on. Other walls have seemed impossible to climb because they all begin with me and my own feelings of inadequacy. I have been afraid to try. I do not know where or how to begin. I do not know where I want this to lead. So.............starting today, after reading several different blogs and realizing that this is a good way to begin writing, I have created a blog. For now, this will be my blog, just for me. Hopefully, over time, I will begin to share. Until then, happy blogging!

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