Sunday, November 30, 2008

Barbie Soap Opera

Friday was our last official day of fall break and the girls decided to end the break in style -Pajama Style- that is. They spent the day in their pj's and played Barbie Dolls from the moment they woke up until about 5:00pm. It was one of those days where things like food, getting dressed and doing chores got in the way and were not necessary. The focus was Barbies, Barbies, and even more Barbies. It was their last day of break and why not end it on their terms?

I walked into the room at one point, and immediately saw 2 Barbie's fly a short distance and the MyMy having a guilty look on her face. When asked what was going on, the MyMy was hesitant to reply. After a little convincing I learned that the 2 Barbies had been kissing and she was trying to protect my sweet, innocent eyes. I looked down, saw the 2 Barbies dressed, and relaxed a little giving my okay for the Barbies to have a quick, sweet, goodnight kiss. The MyMy immediately relieved started in on the whole story.

The girl Barbie is really a grandma Barbie whose husband died. She made herself look young so she could get to know the cute, young, boy Barbie. The boy Barbie has been hypnotized and cannot tell that the Barbie he likes is an old grandma. He really likes her and is taking her to the ball....... and so the story goes. A Barbie soap opera!

My head was spinning trying to keep up with all of the craziness and wishing I had minded my own business from the very beginning. Being a parent however, is not minding your own business, but making sure that you know what the business is and setting some workable parameters for that business so that everyone stays happy, yet safe. I concluded by saying that if Mommy can't see some of the things the Barbies do because it would be uncomfortable, then maybe the Barbies shouldn't be doing those activities in the first place. And, play Barbies as if Mommy were watching. That seemed to work, and for the rest of the day the girls played Barbies while Mom stuck around, unobtrusively, of course!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

It's amazing what kids do with their imaginations! This looks like it was a fun day--what a good momma for letting them have one last day all their own!