Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Crack

The Voss family set out for an adventure on Martin Luther King Day. We discovered a hiking trail in Lake Havasu, lovingly called "the crack".

It was a beautiful, January day. A typical January day for Arizona that is. The sun was shining, the skies were blue. Perfect!

The trail started like any other trail found in Arizona- sand covered ground, rocks and cacti scattered here and there, a wash full of squishy sand, and maybe a bush or two. Then, the trail leads into a rocky, mountainous area with a slot canyon. Fun!

We had to climb over boulders, balance on logs, over greenish-hued puddles, and even slide down a 7 foot natural slide. (Sounds so Indiana Jones like, except without the music, the bad-guys, really BIG puddles and boulders, and Indie!)

The view was breathtaking, and the hiking was fun. Eventually, the trail leads to the beautiful waters of Lake Havasu. Not a bad way to spend the day.

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